Easily create interactive, infinite, swipeable carousels.
The custom code and script for this powerup can be added to your Webflow project using the "TooEasy Powerups" Webflow App. You can find the app on the Webflow Apps Marketplace or within the "Apps" tab in the Webflow designer. Once the app is installed simply locate the Powerup you'd like to use and click the "install script" button.
This is the div block that contains my carousel items

I want the carousel to move automatically
I want to adjust the speed the carousel moves
I want to change the direction the carousel moves
Pause on Hover
I want to pause the carousel when hovered
Add this attribute if you would like to group slides together.
A value of "auto" will automatically group all slides within the viewport.
A value of "#%" groups the number of slides within this percentage in the slider viewport. (Change "#" with you number, E.g 80%)
A numbered value will groups slides based on this number. For example "3" will indicate 3 columns in each slide.
A number array will set different slide groups for different breakpoints. For example [4,3,2,1] to represent 4 on desktop, 3 on tablet, 2 on mobile landscape and 1 on mobile portrait.